The book includes 13 recipes accompanied by full-page illustrations and a depiction of the final drink. Along with the recipes, there are additional helpful tips and guides for a beginning mixologist.

For my Senior Thesis at MIAD, I decided to create an illustrated cocktail recipe book. The process involved a lot of research, ideation, and lots of hard work.

Process work:

This project required many steps in order to complete. I first started at the thumbnail stage to solidify my concepts before moving into a rough sketch. I would then tighten up the rough sketch with the final line work. I created a variety of color studies for each illustration to choose the final color palette. After all of these steps, I finally could create the final illustration.

promotional materials

As part of Thesis, I created promotional material that can be given away at the exhibition or with the book itself. These items include stickers, postcards, and a few other objects that link the viewer to the website to purchase my book.


Moving Marble